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Thursday, July 26, 2007

Another day in a surgeon's life

They say a surgeon is remembered only for his complications. One bad day, one stroke of bad luck, and all his good work is forgotten. Years of dedicated and successful work comes to nought. So, me thinks, if you get some sunshine on your head for some good work, you better feel you are one lucky dog you aren't in the news for the wrong reasons, right!?
Times of India, Kolkata, page 5 (free registration may be required).
(And, of course, the photo is grossly unjust to both patient and surgeon!)


Anonymous said...

Dr. Ramana,


Hats off to you!

As you have said, years of hard work has led you to this. You have given your life to your Profession. These kind of people have to be admired at.

Voracious Blog Reader

Sree's Views said...

we are proud of u , Ram :)

B. Ramana said...

Only the Queen of England, the Pope and people with tapeworms in their stomachs refer to themselves as WE.
Which category are you in?
Thanks, Sree! (chumma joking, as you can surely understand!)

B. Ramana said...

You are too kind!

Thiru said...

Good work. Keep writing more such work even if it has not gone to the press.

Sree's Views said...

I meant VBR , Thiru , u and me
u must be the worm
not in the tummy ;)

Anonymous said...

VBR may be kind, but not too kind. I'm willing to take off more than just hats, but let's leave that offer for someone else.

I've also said the same thing and more when you had commented about my 'modesty' on my About Me page, remember?

Folks like me (note: there's no 'We'), who work routine day jobs, watch TV, browse the net, and blog some random stuff are way below the league of people who're actually saving lives. No jokes.

And I staunchly support Thiru's suggestion - you don't need the press - use your blog to inspire other younger medical professionals, so they can aspire to be like you someday.

Oh yes, did I forget to mention - dinner is on me whenever you're in Pune...

B. Ramana said...

Thanks a lot, guys!
Hope we carry on with life with a judicious blend of wisdom and wickedness, humor and intellectual half-nelsons, caricature and candidness, etc, etc.
No more alliterations!! ;-)

Unknown said...

Dear Ramana,
Could you give operative details? Ports, what 'complication' and special techniques? Perhaps on Surginet?

B. Ramana said...

Hi. Yeah, I will do so. Media hacks call any technical issue a 'complication'!